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Writing Consultant

Representation matters. If you are working on a project that involves writing outside of your own culture and/or experiences, you might consider hiring a sensitivity reader or writing consultant. I offer consultation meetings for projects in the planning stages, sensitivity reads on existing manuscripts, and resource-sharing for any stage of the writing process.


A sensitivity reader looks over a manuscript to note issues of representation, evidence of bias in the writing, cultural inaccuracies, and use of insensitive or negatively charged language. When you hire me for a sensitivity read, I will provide you with a feedback report making note of elements that are working well and offering suggestions for improvement. Please note, a sensitivity read is different from a detailed structural edit.


I have the scholarly knowledge and community experience to provide sensitivity reads on a variety of topics, including representations of women, transgender people, and LGBQ+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and queer) people, and as well as representations of race, ethnicity, class, and ability. If you are interested in hiring me for a sensitivity read, please contact me to discuss details and rates.

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